FOTO by Secret Famous Places


Ovaj par putuje svijetom i utjelovljuje najpoznatije filmske scene

admin 09. lipnja 2020.

Neke su zaista vjerno dočarali...Prepoznajete li ih sve?

Neki parovi vole kuhati zajedno, drugi zajedno treniraju, a neki se prepuste DIY projektima. Robin i Judith dolazi iz Njemačke i svoj su život posvetili zanimljivom i pomalo neobičnom hobiju – putuju svijetom i rekonstruiraju scene iz najpopularnijih filmova i serija.

Rezultate svog hobija objavljuju na društvenim mrežama i sudeći prema broju pratitelja ljudi ih podržavaju.

Društvene mreže i popularnost nikad nije bio cilj našeg hobija. Sve je krenulo spontano, a naše fotografije ljudi su mogli vidjeti samo obješene na zid u našem dnevnom boravku. Malo pomalo, počeli smo ih postavljati online i shvatili da su ljudi oduševljeni našim hobijem.” – izjavila je Judith.

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Soon is Christmas! Time for „Lord of the Rings”!! 😀 When we were in New Zealand of course we wanted to visit these great filming locations. But it wasn’t so easy to find a picture of a man and a woman. Because almost every time you see an actress in the movies they are in a fictitious world. So we had just one solution: I (Judith) have to be a male actor…once again 😉 In the end I was Orlando Bloom alias Legolas. Could have been worse 😉 . . . Location: It was a long journey until we reached Mt. Sunday – the place where Rohan was built. It was one of the most beautiful places where we have ever been. There was no one – just us. The landscape was breathtaking. We’ve never seen something like this before. It was a long walk until we reached Mt. Sunday. At the end we forgot our battery pack in the car 😅 …so Robin had to go back all the way… For one night we stayed there in our tent – in the middle of nowhere. Believe me – that was soooo exciting 😍 . . . Clothes: Actually you just see the cape of Legolas. So we bought grey material and thought it wouldn’t be so difficult to get dressed like him. But it was 🙈 The material didn’t want to stay the way we want it to be. Because of the wind and my fit of laughter it took a lot of time…But in the end we made it 😊 @Orlandobloom and Viggo Mortensen – we hope you like the photo. Just because of you we saw this amazing place. Thank you! #herrderringe #herrderringememes #lordoftheringsmemes #lordoftherings #orlandobloom #viggomortensen #newzealand #neuseeland #travel #travelphotography #secretplaces #secretfamousplaces #middleearth #lotr #thehobbit #frodo #filminglocation #nzmustdo #newzealandguide #world #movie #Nature #reisen #blogger #instatravel #series #peterjackson #fotografie

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Sve je krenulo iz zabave, ali nakon pet godina shvatili smo da imamo jako puno materijala. Prijatelji koji su vidjeli fotografije bili su oduševljeni i nagovorili nas da svoje radove podijelimo na društvenim mrežama. Možda je tajna našeg uspjeha to što ne odustajemo dok ne postignemo savršenu fotografiju, što je još teže ako uzmemo u obzir da smo odbacili korištenje Photoshopa za uređivanje slika.” – izjavio je Robin.

Ovaj par uspio je spojiti ugodno s korisnim i svako njihovo putovanje novi je izazov na kojem nastaju radovi vrijedni divljenja.

Pogledajte neke od radova i pokušajte pogoditi o kojem je filmskom klasiku riječ.

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Yeeeahhh…The first picture is online ❤ It was a big challenge to find the right filming location for #mockingjay. . . Location: It's a metro station near to the "ICC" in Berlin. But unfortunately the original place was closed😭 So we had to find a similar background. It is still the same area, but you can see a different type of lamps. The elevator is the same style, but a little bit smaller. Lawrence and Hutcherson were sitting at a place, where you can not go without permission. And it looks very clean – but when we visited it, it wasn't…😅 . . Clothes: For our costume we had to cut up two shirts of Robin 😂 it worked well although his talent in doing handicrafts are….hm….not thaaaat good 🤣 Lawrence has a bow at her feet…ourt bow is made out of bambus and we used black paint 😏 The gloves at Robins hand are quite similar to the original ones, but they are socks 😅 Whole making-of on YouTube. . . @jhutch1992 and Jennifer Lawrence – We hope you like the photo 😉 . . Original picture: Lionsgate . . #tributevonpanem #jenniferlawrence #joshhutcherson #thehungergames #filminglocation #berlin #secretfamousplaces #movies #pics #picture #actor #actress #filmfoto #germany #oscars #wonderfulplaces #hollywood #cinema #love #germanytourism #visitgermany #katnisseverdeen #city #photography #blockbuster #hero #art #fun #visit_berlin

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Downton Abbey – we are in love with #highclerecastle. It was amazing!! ❤ People were watching because it looked like Robin asked me to marry him…😅 the reason: the tripod was too small…so we had to kneel down. And no: he didn't asked 😉 . . Location: The original scene was filmed at Highclere Castle in Great Britain. You can see it in the background of the original photo. There are huge trees in front of it, so we know which perspective should be the correct one. But our tripod was to small. We made it anyway 😊 in both pictures you see a very clean area, it was amazing. The trees didn't changed and the weather was…ok. they had a little bit more sun. . . Clothes: Robin forgot his chemise and his tie in Germany. So if you have closer look: his "shirt" is a peace of paper 😂 and his tie is the belt of my coat. But it is quite similar to the original one. Cullen wears a little bit darker jackett…and a real shirt… But by the way…my coat is a bathrobe 😄 So…it was a lot of fun. For us and for the people around us. . . @theladydockers @tom_cullen amazing location, hope you like our photo 🙂 Making-of is on YouTube. . . Original photo: ITV . . #downtonabbey #michelledockery #tomcullen #castle #highclere #filminglocation #england #hampshire #secretfamousplaces #oscar2018 #movies #pics #actor #actress #filmfoto #wonderfulplaces #love #bbctravel #lovetheworld #nice #summer #film #cinema #oscars #lovely #instagood #traveler #lovegreatbritain #großbritannien

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Our craziest photo. It is a movie called 10000BC from Roland Emmerich with Camilla Belle and Steven Strait . . Location: A long walk until we reached the filming location of #10000BC. We were afraid that we wouldn't find the right places. Because the area was hudge…actually it's a ski area. But in summer nobody is there – except us 😊 you can see the mountains in the background of the original photo. So we knew, that it is in an area called Snow Farm Lodge. The silhouette of the mountains helped us finding a good parking spot to go the rest by walk. It was lot of luck that we found the right stone. There were hundred other stones. But we hoped that the film team also didn't want to walk a long way 😁 Luckily we were right! . . Clothes: Belle is wearing a leather jackett and Strait…you can't see it. It is dark. So the stuff on Judith's head is a tablecloth, which is quite similar 😂 and Strait holds a "sword" in his hand. There was no, that is why it is a peace of paper from the supermarket 😂 . . Whole making-of is on YouTube. ( . . @camillabelle and Steven Strait we hope you like the photo! . . Original photo: Warner Bros. . . #camillabelle #stevenstrait #newzealand #queenstown #snowfarmlodge #secretfamousplaces #filminglocation #photo #wonderfulplaces #pics #movies #hollywood #picture #actress #screenshot #oscars #oscar2018 #filmfoto #wanaka #rolandemmerich #cinema #newzealandguide #oscars #summer #love #landscape #pretty #instalove #NZmustDo

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Our first picture of #GameOfThrones! It was a quite long way, but it was an amazing location. We can't wait for the final season 😱 . . Location: It is located next to Bilbao, maybe a 30 minutes drive. After you arrive at the parking spot, you have to walk for an hour: first a long way down and over a mystical path and stone bridges next to the ocean. Then you reach the island "Gaztelugatxe". You can see a small part of the path in the gallery. Before you arrive at the top of the mountain with a hermitage, you are standing at the same spot as "Khaleesi" and "Jon Snow". We had little problems taking the photo, because the camera had to be behind the path and our tripod was at maximum height to give us the same camera position. But it wasn't enough, so we placed Robin's smartphone on the top of our camera to be even more higher. It worked 😎 . . Clothes: Have a look at Khaleesi, it can't be more difficult. She has a dragon-brooch, a cape and a difficult dress. We bought them together as a carnival costume and it was important, because didn't know how to make it on our own. Her hair is complicated, too. 🙈 Jon Snow wears a biiig coat, that is why we bought 2x3m material and the shoulders were covered by a fake fur of my jacket. . . Kit Harington and @emilia_clarke we hope you like the photo 😊 . . Original Photo: HBO/Warner Bros. Television . . #Khaleesi #JonSnow #got #emiliaclarke #kitharington #gaztelugatxe #spain #basque #finalseason #winteriscoming #snow #game #dragons #daenerystargaryen #bilbao #motherofdragon #winterfell #stark #lannister #gameofthronesseason #visitspain #forthethrone #daenerys #travel #secretfamousplaces #traveltheworld #love #worldplaces #watchthisinstagood

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Od svih fotografija koje su do sada napravili najviše komentara inkasirala je scena iz filma “La La Land“, a ako bi sami morali izdvojiti najdražu onda je to bez sumnje scena iz filma “Inception“.

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