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M&S predstavio svoj čokoladni namaz od slanog kikirikija

admin 25. rujna 2020.

2020. godina je spašena!

U godini ispunjenoj lošim stvarima koje nam nisu dopustile da uživamo u životu punim plućima pokušavamo pronaći stvari koje će barem malo ublažiti gorak okus u ustima 2020. godine.

U borbi protiv gorkih okusa pronašli smo proizvod koji bi mogao spasiti godinu.

M&S na svojim je policama predstavio čokoladni namaz od slanih kikirikija koji svojim bojama i okusom otvara jesensku sezonu slatkih okusa.

Iako je predstavljanje noviteta trebalo biti kroz kojih mjesec dana, ususret blagdanima, tržište je reklo svoje, i proizvod je požurio s lansiranjem.

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NEW M&S FOOD SALTED CARAMEL CHOCOLATE SPREAD – Well so far 2020 has possibly been the worst year ever! BUT we also have seen some absolutely amazing products launched onto the market and this NEW Salted Caramel Chocolate Spread from @marksandspencerfoodpr has to be up there as one of the best! ⠀ ⠀ This new spread is following on from the success of the Cookies and Cream spread last year. That product was Sweet Reviews UK's product of the year for 2019 and a must have for sweet loving customers all over the UK…we have a feeling this new spread might be even more popular!⠀ ⠀ We think the photos speak for themselves on how indulgent and luxurious this spread actually is. It's thick, creamy, sweet, sticky and above anything tastes like what we can only imagine Sweet Heaven to taste like! ⠀ ⠀ We ended up just licking it off the spoon. The flavour is something else, it is a sweet, rich almost fudgey toffee caramel, we couldn't pick out the sea salt too much but reflecting on it we think that was a good thing. The chocolate part comes in the form of cocoa powder which does come through as an aftertaste which is quite pleasant. ⠀ ⠀ It is very versatile too, this is going to be hit for all bakers as we can imagine it would be a great filling for cookies and cookie pies, fillings for cakes, adding to the buttercream, you name it you can probably use this spread for it! ⠀ ⠀ We could go on and on about how good this is but instead, we suggest you head down to your local M&S Food today and pick one of these up for £2.50 we guarantee it will seriously brighten up your morning, day, week, or even month! ⠀ ⠀ Bravo @marksandspencerfoodpr 👏👏👏⠀ ⠀ #spread #marksandspencer #mands #marksandspencers #chocolatespread #saltedcaramel #caramel #seasalt #saltedcaramelspread #toast #breakfast #lickthespoon #foodies #sweetreviews #trysomethingnew

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