FOTO by Instagram @mdcosmeticinjections / @alisa_megastar


Devil lips – bizaran trend koji mijenja oblik usana

Krešimir Šustić 25. lipnja 2020.

Ako ste pomislili da vas više ništa ne može iznenaditi, prevarili ste se!

Bizarni trendovi iz dana u dan nas šokiraju i jednostavno ne možemo vjerovati dokle seže ljudska glupost i potreba za iskakanjem iz mase nečim totalno neprirodnim.

Znamo da su plastične operacije uzele maha u svijetu, te su dostupne doslovno na svakom koraku, samo kako bi ljudi ispravili svoje nesavršenosti zbog kojih su uostalom tako predivni i posebni.

Najnoviji hit koji je preplavio Instagram i širi se brzinom munje su takozvane “Vražje usne”, dolazi iz Rusije, a jednom riječju izgleda katastrofa i pomalo nakaradno.

Tretman uključuje umetanje punila u vanjsku usnu kako bi se stvorio efekt vala na obje usne, a neki tvrde da je postupak prvi put u Rusiji izvela plastična kirurginja Emelian Braude, a mnogi su slijedili njegovu primjenu stvarajući vlastite verzije trenda.

Mnogo je žena podržalo trend na Instagramu, ali mnoge su to smatrale čudnim, čak glupim i opisivale su to kao “egzotičan oblik herpesa”.

Stručnjaci tvrde kako bi ubrizgavanje punila moglo završiti u krvnim žilama, te uzrokovati blokade i dovesti do smrti tkiva jer oko usana se nalaze žile zbog kojih je neprimjereno koristiti filere.

Ne znamo koja je svrha odlaska pod nož kako bi se postigao izgled usana u obliku cvijeta ili hobotnice, no sigurni smo u to da se pojam ljepote iskrivljuje, što nije dobro za mlade i buduće naraštaje.

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RUSSIAN LIP TRENDS – 🚫 A big no-no at my clinics 🚫 🤬🤢🤮 (THIS IS NOT MY WORK!!!) It’s wrong in so so many ways. We don’t believe in performing any lip filler ‘trends’ such as Russian (top left) or ‘Devil Lips’ which became a trend ( obviously the bottom pics are photoshopped adverts and the top is someone’s attempt and reality of recreating the look! ) 1. Russian lip technique looks horrendous and unnatural. 2. It distorts the natural anatomy of the lip. The technique involves excessive filling of the vermillion border. The vermillion border is the junction between the skin and the lips. Filler is only designed to be injected minimally in this area around the Cupid’s bow. Anything more to the side of the lip is not advised. This is because it will eventually run into the upper lip and look puffy. 👄 3. When the filler is injected unevenly with the Russian technique it can cause semi permanent/permanent deformity of the lip as it’s wearing off. Once you stretch your skin in the wrong way there is no going back. 💉 4. There are some important blood vessels just above the border of the lips that you don’t want someone injecting in. It can lead to loss of skin in the area and even blindness. 5. Finally I treat a lot of patients from Russia and not one of them likes or wants this technique! In the next few days we are going to post a lip correction focusing on how to correct a puffy top lip after filler. Subtle, natural enhancements only at DrMediSpa! 👄 They are the reason why we treat so many complication cases and have to dissolve lip filler ❌ #lipfiller #russianlips #lipfillers #filler #lipaugmentation #lipenhancement #dermalfiller #russianlipfiller #russian #trend #devillips #octopuslips #cupidsbow #aesthetics #aesthetic #injector #cosmeticsurgeon #plasticsurgery #medispa #doctor #clinic #chinfiller #cheekfiller

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